Message From Principal

Dear Parents,

"Vision without action is a day dream, And an action without vision is a nightmare."

The above thought is a clear reflection of the contemporary human society, every aspect of which has undergone a drastic change in the past few decades. The boom in information and communication technology, mass media, stupendous advance in sciences, alarming changes in the climate and steadily changing ethical perceptions, transformed our world into a highly globalized and competitive one. Survival in such a world demanded us to face tough challenges which in turn created the need for a reformed educational system. The high pace of growth brought about reforms without careful forethought and circumspection. The new system produced skilled men, whose sole purpose of life was personal growth. Success, to them, only meant acquisition of wealth and material comforts. Initially this high paced progress did help us achieve the above goals and seemed to be paying back well, but the chaotic condition of the world around today, speaks of our inability to retain peace and harmony on earth.

This possibly happened because the revised education system developed only the Head and Hands of the taught, leaving their hearts untouched. It's about time we realized how important it is to be human or to be what we were born to be. Success is not a commodity that can be brought in exchange for moral values.

Having realized this, we the educators at Dr. Virendra Swarup Public School take up the challenge of raising the forth-coming generations entrusted to us, with a system that facilitates healthy and positive development of the 3 H's - Head, Hands and Heart, thus enabling them to grow up to be worthy and responsible individuals. We request you to join us in our endeavour to bring about this positive change.

Ms. Purnima Nondita Dass,